Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

Okay- I really am not much of a fan of sweets- but this pregnancy I am going nuts for them. (Oh, dear God, I hope that means I’m having a girl- for my daughter’s sake- she has THREE younger brothers!) So move-over craft tutorials for a bit, because I have been getting creative in the kitchen like a madwoman.

I made the most delicious peanut butter cups. And they HAPPENED to be peanut-free. You can definitely make this recipe with real PB, but for all those allergics out there like me, you will be so surprised at how real these taste! I’ve tricked many a person with these babies!

Oooooh, Aaaaah. Now, let’s make these!

You only need 3 ingredients for these: Smooth peanut butter (I used wowbutter peanut-free PB which I bought from walmart), Icing sugar, and Chocolate chips (I used dairy-free chocolate chips, but you can use any chocolate chips or chocolate melting wafers.)

Step one: Mix up 1/2 cup of PB and 1/2 cup of powdered sugar.

Step 2: Melt about 1 cup of chocolate chips (for melting instructions, check out my peppermint patty tutorial here) and paint the melted chocolate into into the bottom and up the sides of a candy mold (I was lucky and found a pile of different molds at a thrift shop- but you can buy them at a craft or cake decorating store) you could also use some sturdy cupcake liners- just fill them about 1/3 of the way. Make sure not to leave any spaces uncovered!

I even pulled out my turtle mold, more on that later 😉

Allow the chocolate to harden in the refrigerator for 5 minutes.

Step 3: Form the PB dough into little patties that will fit nicely into their new chocolate homes. Refrigerate for a few minutes if you want them to be easier to work with.

Step 4: Now put those PB patties in their place!

Step 5: Use a small spoon or pastry brush to paint a good amount of chocolate over the PB blob. Make sure to reach the sides of the chocolate with your top layer! Stick those in the refrigerator for another 5 minutes, then pop those bad boys out!

Like so.

Step 6: Cut one in half and stage a photo shoot, to ensure that your tutorial will make it onto Foodgawker, as you have become obsessed with not being rejected by them 90% of the time.  so you can share your glorious recipe with even more lucky people!

Oh. My. Goshhhhh. Don’t you just want to shove that in your face?!?!!?

Check out my lil turtle. Ain’t he cute? But something was missing…

YES!!!! I am totally going to be making sets of four of these lil guys- Next time I’ll pipe the Ninja Turtle details with some royal icing.

Another easy way you can make these is just by dipping balls of the PB dough into the melted chocolate- skip the whole mold step- just made sure you refrigerate the PB balls for a good 10 minutes before dipping them. This recipe made around a dozen small cups and 8 turtles, which are basically the same size as 12 mini cups… so let’s say it made 24 small cups.

Well, what are you waiting for? With only 3 simple ingredients and 15 minutes you can create something SO delicious and comparable to any PB cups you can by at the store 🙂

Happy chocolate dipping!


About Busted Button

Where Creativity and A.D.D. meet…on a blind date…under a bridge…and make a baby.
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5 Responses to Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

  1. Omg a cute little chocolate ninja turtle. I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Laura says:

    You don’t even need molds just make the peanut butter dough and dip small bite size peanutbutter balls In melted chocolate 🙂

  3. Nat says:

    Mmmmm wanttr nowwww. Btw costcos Kirkland choc chips are dairy free.:::well..;”may contain” but they haven’t set my guts afire so i trust em. And so cheapppp. And good. Making these with Lucy next time brad works

  4. Reblogged this on Busted Button and commented:

    Happy National Peanut Butter Day!!! I can’t eat PB, so I came up with this peanut-free recipe that would fool anyone!

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